Common mathematical knowledge of geometry of teacher trainees: an innovative proposal


  • Víctor Barrera Castarnado Centro de Estudios Universitario Cardenal Spínola CEU
  • José Manuel Infante Infante Centro de Estudios Universitario Cardenal Spínola CEU
  • María del Mar Liñán García Centro de Estudios Universitario Cardenal Spínola CEU


Teacher training, tests for initial assessment, Mathematical training, Common Mathematical Knowledge (CCK), Autonomous work activities, Geometry, CeoGebra

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Any student who starts university is considered to have acquired the minimum mathematical knowledge necessary to work without any difficulty in the subjects related to Didactics of Mathematics. Our experience demonstrates that this supposition is not always true in every case, and different studies by researchers in this area confirm this; they don’t even seem to have acquired the knowledge coined by Ball, Thames and Phelps (2008) as Common Mathematical Knowledge, that which any well instructed adult should have. To find out what teacher trainers are lacking in the understanding of these contents, we have designed an initial assessment test which we describe in this article. Bearing in mind that the rate of errors is greater regarding geometric questions, we propose different autonomous work activities, using as a tool the educational software GeoGebra.


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